30 day public comment period for the review of draft permit and fact sheet for the Town of Spangle NPDES permit WA0991010.
Ecology is inviting public comments on draft NPDES permit WA0991010 being reissued to the Town of Spangle Wastewater Treatment Plant located in Spokane County. The permit authorizes the discharge of municipal wastewater to Spangle Creek.
Please note that this comment form is for the purpose of submitting a comment to the Washington State Department of Ecology. Commenter contact information is optional. Contact information is necessary if you want to receive future notices or responses related to this topic.
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30 day public comment period for the review of draft permit and fact sheet for the Town of Spangle NPDES permit WA0991010.
Ecology is inviting public comments on draft NPDES permit WA0991010 being reissued to the Town of Spangle Wastewater Treatment Plant located in Spokane County. The permit authorizes the discharge of municipal wastewater to Spangle Creek.
Please note that this comment form is for the purpose of submitting a comment to the Washington State Department of Ecology. Commenter contact information is optional. Contact information is necessary if you want to receive future notices or responses related to this topic.
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