Ecology invites interested members of the public, local, and tribal governments to review and comment on significant updates to industry-written oil spill contingency plans. Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 173-182 requires oil-handling facilities, pipelines, and vessels to have a state-approved oil spill contingency plan that ensures their ability to respond to major oil spills. These updates are required by the state’s oil spill planning regulations.
Under WAC 173-182, public notice, review, and comment periods are required for permanent significant changes to approved plans as required in WAC 173-182-142 and 173-182-620. Significant changes under review for this comment period include updates to their Neah Bay alternative planning standard agreement. Under 173-182-620, a plan holder may request that ecology review and approve a plan based on alternative planning standards. Such submitted requests are subject to a thirty-day public review and comment period. The updated Neah Bay planning standard alternative can be found on page 5-11 of the plan linked below.
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Thank you for subscribing to the NRCES Oil Spill Contingency Plan Update mailing list.
Ecology invites interested members of the public, local, and tribal governments to review and comment on significant updates to industry-written oil spill contingency plans. Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 173-182 requires oil-handling facilities, pipelines, and vessels to have a state-approved oil spill contingency plan that ensures their ability to respond to major oil spills. These updates are required by the state’s oil spill planning regulations.
Under WAC 173-182, public notice, review, and comment periods are required for permanent significant changes to approved plans as required in WAC 173-182-142 and 173-182-620. Significant changes under review for this comment period include updates to their Neah Bay alternative planning standard agreement. Under 173-182-620, a plan holder may request that ecology review and approve a plan based on alternative planning standards. Such submitted requests are subject to a thirty-day public review and comment period. The updated Neah Bay planning standard alternative can be found on page 5-11 of the plan linked below.
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