Public Comment Form

Commenting open: September 18, 2024 12:00AM PT - October 02, 2024 11:59PM PT.

Washington's Solar Panel Takeback Program

The Department of Ecology is submitting agency request legislation to amend Washington’s Solar Panel Takeback Program. The state’s clean energy transition is facing a setback if a provision in the solar panel stewardship and takeback program goes into effect on July 1, 2025.

This law requires Washington’s solar panel industry to share the responsibility of managing what remains of solar panel units after their intended uses are complete. Rather than participating in this program, some manufacturers have chosen to not sell solar panels in Washington. If the law is unchanged, it would disrupt the supply and cost of panels available for sale in Washington.

Ecology is requesting a delay in the effective dates in the law. This will enable the industry to legally continue operating in the state while solutions are being developed. A later start date will also allow for the creation of a facilitated advisory committee to identify issues with the law and develop recommendations for adjustment. Work of the advisory committee will culminate with a report to the Legislature due in December 2026.

Please visit Ecology's 2025 legislative priorities webpage for more information.

Please note that this comment form is for the purpose of submitting a comment to the Washington State Department of Ecology regarding the agency request legislation on Washington's Solar Panel Takeback Program. Contact information is necessary if you want to receive potential future notices related to this topic.

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Your Comment

Comments are due by 11:59PM (PST) on October 2, 2024

To make a comment, please enter comment(s) in the text area. To submit attachments, use the "upload a file" button below. Then hit 'Continue' to review your comments(s).

Next steps: After the close of the comment period, Ecology will review the comments for legislative input. 

Any information (e.g., personal or contact) you provide on this comment form or in an attachment may be publicly disclosed and posted on the Internet.

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You may attach up to five 20 MB files to accompany your submission. Allowed formats are pdf, jpg, jpeg, png, txt, gif, doc, docx, xlsx, xls. If you experience technical difficulties submitting your comment please contact the person listed at the bottom of this page.

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